The Season of Snow

Grayson Ferguson, Poet

I wake up and see a blanket of snow

The sun shines across it and makes it glow

I grab my coat and go outside

I see snowmen and forts for children to hide

Cold chills run down my spine

They come with these cold winter times

It’s a time to hang up mistletoe

A time to let our love show

It’s a time of many holidays

Some around the world lasting days

Sometimes we fight a snowstorm

Staying inside to keep warm

We huddle up with friends to shield the cold

To escape its chilling hold

A time for family to come together

To have fun in this cold weather

We go out and have snowball fights

Some lasting to the night

We come inside to sit by the fire

Recovering from the snow and upside down ice spires

I go to my bed where this day began

And I wait to see the snow again

I can feel winter’s grip so near

I’m just glad winter is finally here