Silent Friend

Sophia Kadi, Poet

I met a silent friend

When I was five years old

I didn’t know his real name

Or his birthday

Or his favorite color

But I now know

That he is happiest when he is outside

Running and reminding him of the power

And strength he has in his legs

Sun beams hitting hard against his back

Discovering new places on the long walks we share


I have a silent friend

We have been friends for over ten years now

I don’t know his favorite food

Or his favorite anything

But I do know

His eyes are smooth, soft brown

And the bright pink scar on his nose marked from a fight

And his teeth; gone – fallen from age

I love my silent friend

Especially on cold winter nights

Cuddling against our skins

Sharing no words but warmth


We may not speak – at all

And I often wonder what goes on

In that mind of his

I catch him sneaking up – silent

Watching and observing me

You are noticed

You are appreciated

You are handsome

And kind

And patient


You’ve watched me grow up

And I’ve watched you do just the same

And even though we are often misunderstood

I love you

More than words can explain

And so I attempt to show you

Show you the world and the beauties

And that beauty is you, my silent friend