Broken Lens

Jaeline Camarena

I know you dread those seconds. Those seconds you open your eyes, right before you

put me on. Without me you see vague shapes all around you, your perspectives deceives you,

and your visual judgement of the world changes without me. But when I’m with you, not only do

you enjoy the beauty of life but I do as well. From the minute you put me on, I’ve been there for

you. On the day you drawn yourself in sadness your go-to was reading poetry, reading words,

any words that soothe your hurt from your first heart break. To the time you’ve seen the most

miraculous girl in this world, you’ve seen her twirling, prancing, dancing all around you. And

thanks to me you now see her as your newly wedded wife. Cheers to all those nights you

pushed me up to rub your eyes because of those sleepless nights you’ve got promoted. And

let’s not get into depth of those travel vacations, it’s like we were both seeing eye to lens of what

a creation this world has been. From up north we saw the Niagara falls to down south we saw a

clear reflection of the sky at the Gran Salar de uyuni in Bolivia. And now a days we come back

home, I’m let down upon your dresser and wait for a new day of light to begin because I have a

meaning. Oh how I cherished the day your parents found out you had an undeveloped muscle

in your eye that has caused you to have amblyopia but made me have a meaning in your life. It

made me think I was more than just an object to you but apart of you. I am what completes your

vision and what I useful tool I have become. But due to the lack of material I was made of, I

have to depart from your life. I know you didn’t mean to drop me the other day but now you have

marked a scar that can no longer be wounded up. It does not vanish because I am only made of

glass and with me being broken I can no longer provide for you the vision you deserve to see.

Now let me go back to that cave and shut it tight for I have seen more than many lens have

seen and have enjoyed the time I had with you.