Meet a Lion: Mr. Thien


This is Mr. Thien, a new math teacher to Tallwood High School.

Margaret Haggerty

The Roaring Gazette talked to Mr. Thien, a Geometry teacher in room D226.  We inquired his background before teaching and his life as teacher.

Before teaching, Mr. Thien was in the Marine Corps for 15 years.  When the Roaring Gazette asked why he chose to teach, he said, “When I left the Marine Corps, I thought of my favorite experiences as a Marine, and it was when I had to teach new marines.”

“The satisfaction that you get from seeing a student that’s been struggling and the light goes on and seeing the student’s satisfaction and joy.  That’s the best part of teaching, ” said Mr. Thien. 

“Having to deal with students who have no desire to be there or to learn, and their only accomplishment is keeping the desks from floating up to the ceiling, ” claimed Mr. Thien when asked about the worst part of teaching.

If Mr. Thien had to choose any other career, he said he would be an astrophysicist, because “I’ve always been fascinated about how the universe works.”

When the Roaring Gazette concluded the interview, we asked out Mr. Thien’s personal goal as teacher. Mr. Thien said,  “To get every student to achieve beyond what that student thinks they can do…and to get a student to achieve their full potential.”