Bathrooms Should be Improved To Boost Students’ Self-Confidence

December 12, 2022
Imagine having to enter an environment that doesn’t enlighten your mood every day but instead, it displays the unsanitary and dull aspects. Well, many students visit the school bathroom at least once a day, and some school bathrooms can be low-quality and demeaning.
The school bathroom is a very necessary and functional place that improves students’ comfort and well-being. In fact, the quality of educational bathroom environments can greatly impact how students and parents perceive the school. However, the importance of bathroom design within educational environments is often overlooked.
Going to the bathroom for some students is considered a break time. Therefore, it is very disheartening when the bathrooms are unhygienic and unappealing. It leaves the students feeling discouraged and forgotten about when the necessities of bathroom design and toilet requirements are disregarded.
Nearly half of students describe the condition of their school restrooms as poor or a failure of brighter paint and lights. Oftentimes, students talk with other students about the quality of their school bathroom experiences and relate it to the reputation of the school itself. Although more expensive schools incorporate that school bathrooms are important in their system, there needs to be more incorporation of them into run-down schools.
Students need much more than just a good-quality classroom setting. To better the environment for students, the school needs to ensure the school bathroom is cleaned and stocked with all dispensers of soap, toilet paper, tissue paper, feminine products, and more. Also, they could include better mirrors, brighter colors, lights, and even some positive encouragement messages. Having these items readily available will encourage proper usage of the school restroom facilities. Plus, student vandalism may decrease as individuals know that their restroom needs are being taken care of.
Imagine going to a restaurant and the first thing you do is go to the restroom. When you enter the bathroom it is unhygienic, full of outdated equipment, and very dull. Would you still want to order food from that restaurant? Wouldn’t you rather enter into a very colorful, bright, and clean bathroom that will enlighten you to enjoy the rest of your day? All students should be able to feel encouraged and enlightened by all school environments and it shouldn’t stop in classrooms and hallways, bathrooms should be improved to boost students’ self-confidence and more.