“Beach Girls Rock” Promotes Empowerment

Beach Girls Rock Promotes Empowerment

Aniyah Lewis, News Editor

Beach Girls Rock is a workshop series devoted to girls in the local community. Ms. Thomas, from the Guidance Department, states “Beach Girls Rock was created to empower young ladies in Virginia Beach Public Schools.”  It is organic and has been changing ever since its creation in 2012.

It originated as a collection of seminars for eight and ninth grade students as a way to help ease the middle school transition to high school. The seminars were conducive to the academy at each school. It was a way for young ladies to explore their lives after middle school and beyond.

Beach Girls Rock included a panel of successful woman from Virginia Beach and allowed middle schools girls to see all they can become. Despite the varied themes, the overarching theme remains: “the possibilities are limitless.”

Since its origin, Beach Girls Rock has opened to girls in grades ranging from eight to twelve and has begun to address topics outside of academy realms. The newer topics consist of fashion and marketing, as well as the effects of humanitarianism and volunteering.

Tallwood is hosting a Beach Girls Rock workshop this spring. Ms. Thomas states, “We definitely invite Tallwood students, young ladies to support the Tallwood one on May 7th.” Unique to anything the Beach Girls Rock seminar has done this far, is its target audience. The Tallwood session is designated towards girls in grades 5 to 8. It’s sure to be a memorable event!