JWAC Holds Documentary Film Screening


Aniyah Lewis, News Editor

Thursday, January 14, 2016 JWAC held a film screening of the recent documentary, He Named Me Malala.   The well-organized, efficient meeting began with the board members, including the president, academy sophomore Jayden Ventura, approaching attendees in hopes of growing JWAC. He and all his board members made sure to talk to each and every person and it was courteous, professional, and personable. He addressed membership and its benefits, available for the membership fee of $20.

The meeting opened with the sponsor Mrs. Walker discussing the upcoming Model United Nations Conference, Noble Teens meetings, community service opportunities, and of course, Junior World Affairs Council meetings. Then, Jayden took the platform and promoted the events further before introducing the film.

He Named Me Malala was a film that expressed the importance of global awareness in and of itself. Malala Yousafzai was a teen girl determined to make a change in her community and did so in manners such as making public appearances, writing books, and writing letters. She, like the members of JWAC, constantly raises awareness in hopes of gaining knowledge and ultimately sparking positive change.

Her story was transcendent, and the JWAC meeting encouraged each individual in the room to be a part of a transcendent movement. Junior World Affairs Council’s meeting and push for active involvement in the community attest to the concept that awareness is a step in the right action, but it also is followed up by an action.

The Junior World Affairs Council promotes awareness of global issues in and throughout the academy. They have become the umbrella club through which other academy related clubs, honor societies, and events are facilitated. JWAC is in turn linked to Model United Nations and Noble Teens.

Each month, two or three times a month, JWAC hosts meetings to encourage participation in volunteer opportunities and cultural events. It is designed to use the academy as a platform and an instrument. It truly is the embodiment of what the teachers, faculty and staff say the academy stands for.