Introduce Some Musical Diversity in the Mornings


Austin Luciani

“Slide to the left, slide to the right, crisscross, everybody dance like lions!”

Music is great! There’re all types of music out in the world. There’s pop, country, rap, dubstep, rock, metal, and much more. Tallwood does a great job waking everyone, or nearly everyone, up with at least two songs a morning. There’s just one problem though; it’s the same song almost every other day.

The music is great in the mornings. The whole idea of allowing the students have at least two songs is awesome, especially for those who need a bit of noise to wake up. But the question is: why are students only hearing a rotation of about five to six different songs? Sure they may be popular songs and really catchy, but what if a student or teacher doesn’t care for that genre? Why can’t they get to listen to something they like every so often?

Granted, most or all students have their own music playing through their phones. But it is getting pretty old now hearing “Plastic Heart,” “I really Like You,” and “I Know What You Did Last Summer.” The songs in rotation are kind of like eating the same foods over and over again every day.

Much like eating the same food over and over again, the song rotation in Tallwood is also very small. Now there have been a few new songs placed in rotation recently. So this is at least there a slight change. But how about a more diverse change?

As a gamer, I usually listen to OSTs (Original Soundtracks) from games and movies. I also listen to some really old songs like “Bohemian Rhapsody” and “Sympathy For The Devil.” Safe to say I’m not big on the newer songs.

People will ask if I have listened to a certain song, and I question its release date before answering. Anything after 2014 is a “no.” Music lately has been the same. Always a love song or a rap song, and that’s why I listen to OSTs.

OSTs are very diverse and unique, each giving their movie and games really heart moving scenes and moments. Take a look at music of today, there’s not a lot of music for cool and casual moments. Soundtracks, on the other hand, have something for every field from love and sorrow, to action and serene moments.

There should be more diversity of songs in the rotation. On a side note, the “Imperial March” OST from Star Wars is really cool but it’s too old now. There’s a nice little soundtrack to substitute for it called “The Archpriest” from Destiny’s Rise of Iron playlist. It isn’t anything loud and obnoxious; it is actually really similar to the already overused Imperial March. It really just gets you going. Just a suggestion.

Finally, the songs that play before the Imperial March should also be changed up with a more diverse selection but also keeping the current songs too, maybe a poll is in need? Maybe every week there can be a list of songs given (school appropriate, of course) and then every so often have one of the most voted songs added to the rotation? It would be great for everyone to have a chance to get to hear their favorite songs once in awhile.

With that being said, the music is great. There just needs to be more diverse selections. When I walk into class and sit down, I look up at the speakers every morning and start betting on songs in my head. Sometimes I think about doing actual bets with my friends on what song plays next. One day it’s “Plastic Heart” and then the next day it’s “Plastic Heart” again. FOR THE LOVE OF LIONS we have to get some more diversity!