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The student news site of Tallwood High School

Roaring Gazette

  • December 31Want to join the Roaring Gazette? Sign up for Journalism class!
  • January 11See Mr. Denvir in rm. A 109 for information about joining the school newspaper!

Roaring Gazette

Roaring Gazette

Leilani Williams

Leilani Williams

Leilani Williams, sixteen-years-old by the time of writing, is a junoir lion in Tallwood High School. She's taking an AP English class and is planning to further develop in her literature in Dual Enrollment, and is currently in Journalism to further develop her writing, and will continue to take other writing classes to continue improving. She also enjoys writing fun, yet bombastic action stories along side her partner. In her downtime though, she enjoys playing video games, whether new or classic, and loves to draw out her ideas, whether it is related or not to her stories like making character designs or trying something new with them. She plans to go to college after school, and her dream is to show off both her and her partner's ideas (with permission of course), whether on the big screen or the small screens.

All content by Leilani Williams