The “X-men” franchise’s general plot is a metaphor for racial injustice and the civil rights movement. Every story line is influenced by the ideals of two main characters who are based on the two most prominent human rights activists during the civil rights movement. Professor X is loosely inspired by Martin Luther King Jr.’s peaceful approaches of obtaining equality, while Magneto represents Malcolm X’s aversion to oppressive forces. The “mutant race” depicts a group of people that are born with a genetic mutation; society unjustly ostracizes these people out of fear. The endless amount of discrimination the “X-men” have consistently faced in numerous plot lines, for decades, is a direct reflection of systemic racism. The core of every “X-men” comic and movie emphasizes the importance of perseverance and sacrifice through the essence of both Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.
While Magneto and Professor X have always shared a primary goal, to ensure the safety of mutant-kind, their core beliefs are what fundamentally divide them. Professor X preaches the importance of maintaining peace between mutants and humans as a way to preserve the rights of his people. He does this by ensuring young mutants acquire the tools they need to control their powers, and he even assembles a team of these gifted youngsters to protect the human race. This mindset is a direct reflection of Martin Luther King’s attempts to demonstrate the strength in unity, regardless of race. Both of these leaders fought for equality by appeasing the likes of their oppressors; not submissively, but as a layered way of persuasion. A mind game, akin to Professor X’s telepathic abilities. This tactic subconsciously applies a non-threatening demeanor to unfamiliar concepts, which encourages more susceptible audiences.
Magneto values the preservation of mutant life over human existence, which parallels Malcolm X’s prioritization of protecting African American rights at all cost. Throughout the comics it is revealed that Magneto was victim to more than just mutant-related discrimination, but also suffered through violent antisemitism during WWII. Similarly, Malcolm X dealt with dual discrimination living as an African American Muslim during the civil rights movement. Having first hand experience with the atrocities man-kind inflicts out of unjust hatred, both of these individuals had grown resentful of their oppressors’ communities entirely. Their promotion of retaliation had attracted an opposing following to their political counterparts, Professor X and Martin Luther King. Magneto’s villainous role in the X-men franchise is a reflection of how society treated Malcolm X; notions fueled by comparison to Professor X and Martin Luther King. It is important to understand that Magneto and Malcolm X’s values were not rooted in hatred, but were a representation of the anger and fear they had developed at the hands of their oppressors. Mean people are not owed the kindness they refuse to demonstrate toward others.
Magneto and Professor X’s aspirations are similar in abstract, but their mirroring tactics establish a clear difference in their moral values. This establishes a clear distinction between Magneto and Professor X, and creates a long-lasting divide between the two. Their dynamic explores the complexities of political competition by emphasizing the strengths and deficiencies of both sides, while acknowledging an element of admiration that often develops in instances such as these. A sense of empathy is displayed in their relationship due to shared experiences of discrimination; reminiscent of the activists they were based on. Professor X and Martin Luther King’s peaceful approaches are often praised for their easily digestible words and actions; contrarily, Magneto and Malcolm X’s straightforwardness is often criticized. Regardless of those popularized perspectives, neither side is particularly incorrect or correct. A concept that is embedded into the “X-men” comics. Each seemingly plot-driven narrative subtly incorporates that challenging concept as a way of pushing readers to consider multiple perspectives in abstract, but also in life.
Author’s Reflection
Art is often a reflection of life. An artist’s ability to include representation of differing human experiences is what obtains a more diverse and connected audience. Within this essay I detailed the similarities between American history and “X-men” comics while acknowledging the differences between particular comic book characters’, and their reality-based counterparts. I decided to use a “compare and contrast” organizational structure for my essay, and it proved most successful in displaying the topic I sought to discuss. Recognition of commonality and diversity is not only useful in writing, but is also an important skill required to maintain an informed sense of empathy within society.
“X-men” comics, and movies, are engaging because each plot and character provides its audience with representations of relatable experiences. The real stories and people that these superhero projects are based upon, are what make this lighthearted form of entertainment unsuspectingly meaningful. Some would argue that the similarities discussed in my essay are rather blatant, but I believe that these details are intentionally direct. Those who uncover the basis of the art they are consuming are granted the ability to appreciate the implications of each character’s background, worldly perspective, and personality traits. Others who may not immediately identify the underlying meaning of these qualities, are still consuming valuable life lessons in an easily digestible fashion. The use of reality-based discrimination in the “X-men” franchise is vague enough to appeal to every minority that encounters similar struggles, yet persistent in maintaining a clear connection to its specific inspirations.
“X-men” comic books in particular are successful in capturing the essence of reality in a fantasy realm. This is due to the duration of their story lines. “X-men” writers and artists have fully explored the depth of their characters through decades of character building. Not only has the longevity of this series created beloved and relatable characters, but has allowed writers to offer their audience appropriate social commentary that correlates with prevalent issues of each particular time of publication. Along with this, the comics also discuss the idea of “right and wrong” quite often in their runs. Their characters challenge black and white thinking; allowing the so-called “good guys” to make terrible decisions, and including instances of perceived “bad guys” choosing to do good. In the fight for equality there is no good or bad, right or wrong, there is only humanity. The differences I discuss in my essay, between Magneto and Professor X, help audiences understand the complexity of their reality-based counterparts and life overall. The perception of a character or person is subjective and singular, but equality is what we have in common with these characters and each other.
Having written and reflected on my essay, I find that the “compare and contrast” organizational structure greatly enhanced the point I wanted to make, and helped me keep my essay focused. This essay style is flexible, but straightforward. The simplicity of this organizational structure is what made writing this piece fun, easy, yet formal. This assignment taught me so much more about the topic at hand, and helped me master the art of a “compare and contrast” essay.