My College Essay:
I see the ball flying towards me; I take my stance and swing as hard as I can. A strike. I missed the ball for what felt like the 100th time already. My coach pulls me to the side, he starts getting mad and yelling at me, trying to figure out why I keep missing. I never understood how a grown man could yell so loudly at a kid in 4th grade, all over a game of baseball. Every word he said shot out like a knife and stabbed me in my heart, slowly draining the desire to continue the game. I finished the practice and ended up telling my parents about everything that had happened. They were not happy at all. They could instantly see how upset I was, my whole life flipped upside down all because of a tiny baseball, and a man whose only goal was to win.
A couple days later they asked me if I wanted to try something new, I had no clue what to do, so I decided to copy my sister and try out golf for the very first time. I had to drop baseball because of this, but this just felt like the right thing to do. I never told anyone on the team about my decision, so no one knew exactly what happened, and why I wasn’t showing up. Everyday they would ask me why I wasn’t there, feeling embarrassed to tell them why, I decided to make up excuses that were far from the truth.
I started to take lessons on how to play golf, and how to be better. I was far from good, I could barely hit it straight, but I kept trying over and over because I felt it was the only thing I could do. I couldn’t give up like the last sport. I took lesson after lesson, just to be better, and it was slowly paying off. I was taught more than just the game, I was taught how to be a better person, how to grow inside and outside of golf, and the core values and ethics behind everyday actions. I started to be proud of who I was, and I started telling my friends about the new sport I had just picked up. I finally decided to tell the truth about everything, and what truly had happened to me in the past for me to quit baseball. Because of everything, I had even joined a golf team where I was being taught, I started volunteering more and trying to help others, and I also decided to play with my family a lot. I felt like the piece of me that was taken away was finally back, the void was filled with something brand new, and I was loving it. I was enjoying everything about it, joined the high school team, and managed to become the #1 player on the team as well.
I felt so alive looking down the long holes, with the bright green grass, and the towering trees on both sides of the fairway. Hearing the birds chirping, and the small whispers of the nearby players while getting ready to hit a line drive right down the middle. Hitting the drive right down the middle, and hearing the compliments flow right into my ears, I felt so alive, and realized where I truly belonged.
Important Tips and Information:
As many students get older they need to undergo the task of applying to college. This process is very important, as it can help decide someone’s future as a person. When it comes to applying, most colleges require an essay in order to understand the student more and help decide if they would want to pursue this student. While many people believe answering the prompt is all that matters, it’s very important to be yourself in the writing process. The colleges look at the essays not as a way to see who “suffered” more but as a way to understand the student’s thinking process and their way to express themselves and their emotions properly. If you read my essay, you can see that I answered the prompt properly and made sure to talk about as much as they wanted, but I included a lot of emotions into the essay. This helped me create a powerful and motivated essay that helps show that I grew from my past problems and was able to accept my past self and my current self. Emotions are one of the most important parts of a college essay because of this. Two people could experience the same problem but if one was able to express themselves more, then they would be the one to go further into the process and potentially have a higher chance of acceptance. You want to add a ton of words that help describe the situation and help make a vivid setting for the reader to understand. These words can help make the context seem dark and gloomy or light and happy, and it helps set the tone and the mood for the reader to understand. Without these words, the essay seems bland and not worth reading so it’s important that you make the essay pop out and be as lively as possible when writing.
The next important thing to understand is to be yourself when writing. If you wrote in your own way and expressed yourself then you will be able to stand out to them. This makes your essay pop out and make it more intriguing to read which helps get their attention. When writing, you want to give it your all. You want them to understand how you felt, how you thought and how you grew from any sort of situation that got into your way. This helps them feel connected and understand the struggles you went through to become the person you are today. Even though this doesn’t give them a complete understanding of who you are, it helps them get an idea of the type of person you are. With all of this it’s also important to remain somewhat professional when writing, it’s important to express who you are while also making sure you show professionalism. This is important because you want to express yourself while making sure you look like a good candidate for them to choose.
Overall, it’s important to be yourself when writing and make sure that you show yourself in a way that would appeal to the readers. Make sure to continuously polish the essay and ensure the finest quality of work to show them that you are committed and are willing to put in the effort to do as well as you can. A well written essay shows that you are willing to try and that you are capable of good things.