Michael Jackson and Prince have always been compared to each other. Some don’t even know the difference between the two. While they both revolutionized music and left a lasting impact, each of them had their own approach. Having their own spin on style and persona made them both unique artists. Considerably, both of these artists are bursting with talent with both of them having broken records, started trends, have iconic symbols, and were huge influences in society. By comparing both of their careers, talents, styles, and influence, the decision of who’s better will be made.
First, let’s compare the artists’ popularity. Musically, it’s no competition, Jackson has a clear lead. When comparing Prince’s number one hit “When Doves Cry” and Jackson’s “Billie Jean” it’s clear to see each musician’s artistic style. Even with each of their styles, it’s no argument that Michael Jackson had more popularity than Prince. By only comparing the amount of number one hits each artist had, Jackson has an undeniable win. Holding the accomplishment of being one of only eleven artists who have had more than ten No. 1’s. With Prince holding five number one songs, Jackson has an astounding thirteen. That first point is rightfully given to Michael Jackson.
Now, by looking at each artist’s talent it’s difficult to compare the two. Both had impeccable song writing abilities. Some people assume these artists have similar music styles, this isn’t the case. Prince’s music is heavily rooted in funk where Michael Jackson uses pop. Listening to their music, there is a distinct difference between the two. Jackson had a way of telling stories and getting an emotional appeal with his audience, and Prince had simple themes with complex melodies. Jackson is referred to as a better songwriter because he knew what people wanted. Prince was very experimental, using new sounds and harmonies that only appealed to a select few. In the long run, Michael Jackson’s music is timeless with much of his catalog still being referenced today.
Similar to songwriting, each artist has a unique way of singing. Prince using a high vocal range allows him to have a special sound to his music, but he heavily relies on his backtrack. Jackson uses a wide range of notes and varies between a fast and slow pace. When it comes to performing, Jackson is an obvious choice. With his classic dance moves, charisma, and stage presence, all paired with his amazing vocals makes him an impeccable performer compared to Prince. One talent Prince has that separates him from Jackson is his instrumental capability. Prince had a strong passion for playing instruments, mastering almost thirty throughout his lifetime. Jackson, however, couldn’t play any instruments. Even without this ability, Jackson made up for with his ability to come up with melodies and beats. With all of these factors weighing on each artists’ talents, the next point would, again, have to go to Jackson.
Lastly, comparing each musician’s effect on society. Michael Jackson is often referred to as “The King of Pop.” He became one the best selling artists of all time, using his platform to influence others in a variety of ways. He brought awareness to social issues, started fashion trends, and many artists after him refer to him as a major influence for starting their careers. With Prince, he had more of a social impact. Breaking gender, race, and economic barriers throughout his career. Although, Prince only had a real impact on one generation. Generation X was specifically impacted by Prince because he used issues at that time to push his platform. Jackson is still used as an influence today and has an everlasting effect on the world. So, the last point will be given to Michael Jackson.
Compare and contrast essays allow us to see both sides of something. Using two things that are either really different or similar allows us to find a common ground or individuality within a topic. Here, I used Michael Jackson and Prince as my topic to point out their many differences since many people assume that they are so similar. In a compare and contrast essay, the writer can choose to focus on the similarities or differences, or even use both. For my topic, I chose to focus on the differences in order to highlight the individual aspects of each artist. Compare and contrast essays can be tailored to any two topics, as long as the writer can connect them to each other.