Whether or not cannabis should be legalized in the United States is a highly debated topic. You may already have an opinion on whether or not marijuana being legalized will be beneficial. You may agree with the population that believes that legalization will allow for easier access to marijuana for those who intend to use it for medical reasons as well as recreationally. Or, you may side with those that argue that legalization of marijuana will have more of a negative effect on those who use it, and that it will also negatively affect children. Those who are against it commonly believe that it will be an introduction to more addictive drugs.
One perspective on this topic is that marijuana usage should not be legalized. Those who believe this argue that legalizing marijuana will create a gateway into increased drug usage across the United States. Researchers at Columbia University have reported that marijuana becomes a “gateway” when users begin to chase a stronger high, leading to usage of other drugs such as opioids. Drug usage by minors is also a concern for those who are against the legalization of marijuana. After Canada legalized cannabis, there was an increase in youth using the drug. So, parents in the United States want to avoid a similar fate for their children by not legalizing marijuana. Outside of marijuana being addictive, it also affects the brain. The CDC advises against underage usage because adolescent minds are “especially susceptible” to the negative effects of THC, and those who use it long term are at a higher risk of psychosis and schizophrenia. Consuming a large amount of THC, the chemical found in marijuana, delusions, psychosis, hallucinations, anxiety, and panic can occur. “Greening out” is a term that many may be familiar with. Many teens use this to refer to the unpleasant effects of consuming a large amount of THC. Not only can cannabis cause temporary psychological issues, but depression can be a long-term effect of it as well.
Those who are in support of marijuana being legal mostly believe that marijuana should be legalized for recreational use. So if marijuana was to be decriminalized it would still be illegal, but having under a certain amount wouldn’t have severe consequences. Legalizing marijuana would benefit the community. On an individual level, marijuana can be used to treat medical conditions and chronic pain. Researchers studied the effects of THC on patients with cancer. THC is the chemical that’s responsible for the psychoactive effects of marijuana. The study showed that pain relief was prevalent in participants who used THC as opposed to those who did not. In addition to relieving pain, users have also described feelings of calmness while being high. While these effects do sound pleasant, it’s important that teenagers shouldn’t have access to it.
A possible solution to this issue is to make marijuana legal for recreational use, but allow the government to regulate it. If the government decriminalized marijuana then they would be able to set restrictions on the sale of marijuana, and who is able to buy it as well. The rate of arrests for drug related charges would also drop. It is reported that in Colorado when recreational cannabis usage was legalized that there was a large decrease in marijuana arrests afterwards. So, if all states legalized marijuana usage for adults, a drop in arrests should be seen because people are no longer illegally buying marijuana at such a high rate. However, to ensure that only adults buy marijuana, there should be shops that are permitted to only sell to those over eighteen. This will help to keep marijuana out of teen hands and out of high schools.
Those who are skeptical of marijuana legalization should agree to this solution because it addresses the concern for children’s access to the drug. Through the shops requiring identification to prove age, children should not have easy access to cannabis. Moreover, in places where cannabis has become decriminalized, youth usage has not increased; instead the opposite has actually happened. A report from Healthy Kids Colorado stated that youth marijuana use dropped 7% since 2013. So with strict laws and regulations, Tallwood High School can benefit from students sobriety. States that have legalized marijuana have also seen an increase in enrollment with no effect on completion either. So by supporting the legalization of marijuana, there is also a possibility that more people will pursue their degrees. The concerns about it being a gateway drug would also be addressed by the government setting restrictions on how much can be purchased at once.
Those in support of marijuana decriminalization should support government regulation because it allows the use of marijuana without harsh penalties. States that did legalize cannabis saw a massive decrease in arrests. After the legalization of cannabis in Colorado, the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice reported a drop from 13,225 marijuana related arrests in 2012 to 4,290 arrests in 2019. If cannabis is to be legalized then the criminal offenses relating to it would be driving under the influence, possessing an excessive amount in public, or illegally selling; similar to laws of states that have already decriminalized cannabis. The laws will allow users to enjoy themselves while protecting others and being held accountable for their actions. Government regulation of marijuana also protects children from being able to access the plant.
Overall, the concerns from both sides are valid. Parents should be concerned about the wellbeing of their students and others. While others should be able to responsibly enjoy a natural remedy. So with proper usage, education, and regulation of marijuana, the decriminalization of marijuana could be successful.