The Boy Who Over-Dramatically Lost His Dog

Jeremy Riordan

Woah… The gates open. I thought, The gates never open. I didn’t even know it opened. Why is it open? I ran inside and threw my backpack down on the floor in the kitchen and ran outside. I opened up the backdoor and pushed back the screen, and I looked for my dog in the small backyard I could call my own. With the few patches of grass we had, there wasn’t many places for the dog to sit, so he had one particular little patch he loved, but he wasn’t there. I rushed back inside and searched through the whole house, not a sign of him. I almost gave up and called my mom, but I saw a note on my kitchen counter. I picked up the note and it read:

“Your dog is of a rare breed, as one of the most powerful dog breeds in the universe, I must raise him to become the evil overlord of this planet!”

My dog, one of the most powerful breeds? I never would have guessed it. I thought, and I remembered all the memories I’ve had with him over the past few weeks that we’ve spent together. I didn’t think he seemed like that powerful of a dog, maybe a little stronger than I thought he should be, but never powerful. His fluffy face never seemed to be one to harm, and I could never have expected it the way those ears flop around all the time when he runs. I need to find my dog, no matter what. I started packing a bag, grabbing basic things I thought I would need: a flashlight, a zippo lighter, a water bottle, a foot and a half of rope, and one of those laser pointers that can pop balloons. And off I went, onto an adventure that had absolutely no direction except for the one goal: find my dog. I started off by going to the one place I knew me and my dog both loved: the park. I ran around all his favorite spots: the bushes (beesh?), the playground, and the secret pathway to the little spot by the lake. I looked out across the lake and I saw something floating in the swash. I scooped it up the next time the waves crashed on the beach and read it: “HELP. 31ST AND ARCTIC. 3PM.” I looked at my watch: 3:01pm. Well… that’s unfortunate, I thought. So I ran. I ran, and I ran, and I ran. I reached 31st and Arctic at 3:39pm, and looked around for some inkling that my precious pooch was nearby. I looked over near the hotdog cart, and saw a figure move into the shadows in the alley behind it. I closed in, Whoever that is has to have seen me. There’s no way they didn’t. That’s why they moved back in the alley. It’s time to catch this bozo and make him pay! I bolted to the alley, just in time to see the sewer lid move back into place. If that’s where I must go, so be it. With strength I didn’t know I had (something about wanting my dog back makes me the Hulk), I picked up the sewer lid and yote it across the alleyway into a dumpster. I went down the ladder, and touched down into what looked like some kind of hideout. I looked around, Empty pizza boxes, video games, some kind of sword thing? What kind of person lives in a place like this? I adventured around this mysterious abode, and found nothing that linked this place to whoever was watching me from the alleyway. And then I heard it: a small whimper from my pup. I began to move towards the noise, down a small hallway I hadn’t noticed the first time I looked around. As I shuffled down the hallway, I heard an odd grunting noise coming from behind the door at the end. I moved closer, and looked through a small hole in the middle of the door, I could see my pup and a giant standing figure that looked like…. A tortoise? Why the hell would a [redacted] tortoise want my [redacted] dog??? I barged in with my giant-green-dude-esque strength and felt something click under my feet. I looked down, I had stepped on a pressure plate of some sort, and I knew if I lifted my foot up I was going to be ruined by whatever trap this thing had planned for me. I looked up and realized, I was horribly wrong. A giant metal ball sailed towards me and I dove off to my right, dodging the giant metal ball coming at me. I look over to the tortoise, and it raised its head to look at me with discontent. I ran towards my dog, jumping over what looked like stacks of pictures of 4 turtles with headbands on their heads, and a giant rat (???). I grabbed my pup, dashed outside the room, and made it out of the hallway before the giant tortoise bellowed, “Bring me back the future Destroyer of Worlds, or you will perish!” I put my precious pup, who was shaking with fear, into my backpack and climbed back up the ladder. When I reached the surface, I began to feel a rumbling from the tortoise’s hideout. The ground began to crack and crumble, and the giant reptile erupted from the ground. He began reaching for my backpack, and suddenly every inch of my body became very warm. I took my backpack off, leaving my dog on the side of the alleyway, and looked at my hands. My hands were bright white, as if they were on fire. I locked eyes with the tortoise, and he begins to stumble back. He looks at me with fear. He mutters, “I was off, it’s not the dog who’s the Destroyer of Worlds, it’s YOU!!” My body erupts in flames, I feel myself growing stronger. I begin to move towards the tortoise, growing in size exponentially as I get closer. I see his rough, scaly skin begin to boil and he begins to shrivel up as I grab him by the shell. I pick him up, and watch as his body evaporates. What was his corpse, but is now ash, flies away into the wind. I start to realize people are pointing and staring, and I begin to move towards them to destroy them for even thinking they can look at me.

Don’t do that. Listen to me.

I look around, wondering where the voice came from.

It’s me, there’s a reason you were drawn to me.

I look down at my pup, he’s looking straight at me with a startled kind of love.

The all-mighty master had me created for a reason. He knew what kind of power you had, and he saw it better than you have something that is your opposite, but equal. He made me what you never had: Someone to balance out your emotions. He created me so that I could bring you up when you’re down, and calm you down when you’re angry.

“Who is this all-powerful being you speak of?”

The original one, the strongest… The all-powerful Corgi.

And with a smile from my baby Corgi, I suddenly shrunk down to normal, and my body stopped glowing. When I reached normal size, everything went black.

I woke up, still in the middle of my English class, still stuck in some talk about a book. I realized that everything that had happened was a dream, but when I looked down at my hands, the glow was still there, but it was fading away.

The dream showed you what you’re capable of, but now it’s time to awaken who you are.