French Club Explores Language, Food, Fun

Donyale Wright, Staff Writer

Last Thursday, on November 17th, I attended an annual French Club feast that was hosted by Mrs. Walborn (or Madame Walborn, as her French students will call her).  There were all sorts of snacks such as cookies, chips, swiss rolls, and even ice cream.  We played bingo using French vocabulary and watched different cooking tutorials about crepes.

Today, I asked Madame Walborn a few personal questions about why she sponsors the club and what inspired her to become a French teacher in the beginning.  “Well…I wanted to make sure that there was a French club here at Tallwood,” she stated.  “I also wanted to promote the French culture, their language, and the study of French overall.”  

When I asked what inspired her to become a French teacher, I was actually caught by surprise.  “First, I wanted to be a writer, but my father had said no,” she explained.  “He then encouraged me to major in education, which I did, but I still wanted to write.  I also wanted to travel abroad to French.”  

Madame then explained how she received an education degree for French and English and what finally made her become a teacher.  “I just like people!  I enjoyed the classroom atmosphere and found it fun working with others.”  

My last question was about her main goals for French Club this school year.  She answered, “Again, to promote the study of French.  I also would like to increase socialization with others.  And especially to have fun!”

I would highly encourage others to join the French Club, even if one doesn’t take the language.  You will learn many facts about the French culture and how they have grown to this day, which is very intriguing. There is a membership fee of $3, but it is all worth it.

Photo by Donyale Wright.