Filipino Club Looks Forward to Successful Year

September 19, 2016
On Wednesday, September 14th, I was able to attend the first Filipino Club meeting (which was very entertaining). We had played games, ate food, learned a little bit about the Filipino culture, and danced! I was also able to get a interview with the the president, vice president, and the language chair of the club.
President: Franzielle (Franny) Ocampo
Vice President: Aira Atuel
Language Chair: Reyjee Artajo
Donyale: “What made you want to join this particular club?”
Franzielle: “I had joined freshman year and I wanted to learn more about the Filipino culture and their popular folk dance, Tinikling. I also wanted to become more diverse.”
Donyale: “What skills have you learned in this club?”
Franzielle: “Definitely communication and teamwork.”
Donyale: “Lastly, how will you encourage others to join?”
Franzielle: “I would encourage more people to join by spreading awareness through the club members, use basic Tagalog, do dances, and share my cultural experiences.”
Donyale: “What made you want to join this particular club?”
Aira: “I wanted to join because I was born in the Philippines. Once I heard about the club, I wanted to know more about the culture.
Donyale: “What skills have you learned in this club?”
Aira: “I know more about the culture, and I had learned the traditional folk dance, Tinikling.”
Donyale: “What made you decide to join this particular club?”
Reyjee: “I decided to join because I am Filipino myself, I wanted to spread awareness about the Filipino culture. Also, the club members were very accepting and friendly. We’re like a big happy family!”
Donyale: “What strategies will you use to get more people to join the Tallwood Filipino Club?”
Reyjee: “I would definitely spread awareness, use this interview, through the announcements, social media, and encourage the freshmans to tell others.”
I was also able to ask a sophomore and a freshman about why they wanted to join also.
Shirell Washington (Sophomore): “I joined because I like learning about the Filipino culture and the food. I also like to get more involved in the academy.”
Jayla Nicholson (Freshman): “I think exploring new cultures is fun! I would also like to earn culture points.”
I would definitely recommend others to join the Tallwood Filipino Culture Club! It’s always exciting to learn about a different culture, and how they are unique in their own ways. Just like what Reyjee had said, “We’re like a big, happy family!”
Christine Barnville • Sep 24, 2016 at 10:26 am
This is absolutely GREAT! Culture plays a big part in all our lives! Keep up the good work and pulling for more students to join.