
Sophia Kadi, Poet

It’s December

The wind blows hard against the glass window

Trying to seep its way in between the cracks

Like weeds on the sidewalks of a hot summer day

Always finding its way to dig its roots so deep


This house; so warm, so inviting, so open to neighbors

Yet no room for the cold December air just moving in next door

Furiously the wind slams against the walls; trying to invite its self in

The house shakes; trying- trying to stand ground

But there’s no space for the darkness that lurks just outside


This home is filled with love and comfort

Always kept warm enough to snuggle

But the air is still fighting its way in

Somehow you convince me

That you’re good for me

But without a taste of cold

I’ll never appreciate the warm


I’m tired- I give in

I open up and let my armor down

The wind bites hard against my cheek

Bitter- cold bitter; sucking the life out of me

I’m tired of trying to keep everyone warm

The cold air slips inside

Freezing me close to death


I’m now cold in and out

You’re a leech I’m itching to scratch off

You’re skin deep

Maybe you’ll realize that I can no longer give you what you want

And what you claimed to have needed


I’m no longer warm

I’m no longer comfort

No love to share

No feelings in my hands or my ears

I’ve gone numb