Do children know how money works? Maybe they know the difference between a one-dollar bill and a five-dollar bill, but do they really know how to use money, how to save, how to invest? The importance of money should be something every kid knows about. Currently, the only class given to students at Tallwood that truly teaches about money in our futures and how to take care of our money is Personal Finances and only a small part of Independent Living. Tallwood should have more resources and teach students more about how to take care of money because the youth of today should be able to know what to do and have knowledge on their money once they graduate from school.
Many students who just graduated have no clue how to save or even pay their own taxes. It’s why many young adults struggle and end up without a home. They didn’t learn these skills before because schools never taught kids it was important to know. Schools actually did the opposite by only teaching the basic worth of money in elementary schools and only having one full class in high school to learn. Students should not be expected to know the importance of money when it is barely expressed to them. Algebra or Chemistry is taught to be more important than what will most likely impact your life more than anything, money.
Tallwood should offer more classes for students to be able to learn how to finance and take care of themselves. Schools need to teach about taxes, savings, investing, spending, and all the importance of money throughout all of school. Our entire society would be improved by a single change in how we teach kids. Tax evasion is one of the biggest problems in the U.S. right now, and some people don’t even know they are committing it. Crime rates would overall go down because people wouldn’t be desperate for money because a large number of them wouldn’t be in those positions like many people are today. The need to do unreasonable things for money would be lowered. If we want a better future for our kids and our country, this is something we have to do.
Some say the responsibility falls on the parents to teach kids about this. But we cannot just expect every parent to be a responsible one; that is just unrealistic. Not everyone’s situation at home is the same with their parents. Others say that schools already do enough, and that it is up to the student or child whether they want to learn those things on their own. Economics and Personal Finance is already a class students must take at least once to graduate from high school. Also students are taught at a low grade level how much money is worth and how to spend it. So why focus more on money than schools already do? Because it is not enough. Money is such an important part of everyone’s lives and the world that education on it should not be limited to two classes in a person’s life.
All schools in the U.S, including Tallwood, need to teach our youth more about finance and money. Our economy and the world’s future depend on it. We do not want our society to be worse than it already is. Teaching finance and money as its own important subject and topic is key to a brighter and better future for not just our country, but the world as a whole.