Most people don’t have an opinion about their school life or choose to keep it to themselves; here at Tallwood, most people are openly expressive about what they think of the school. Some ideas are positive, some negative. One of my first ideas about what could change would be jersey creativity limitations.
Now, this issue may only apply to athletes, but it’s still something that has been an issue for some time. The conversation about black jerseys for our school has been discussed a lot more since the administration made the decision that adding black does not represent our school. Not only does that not make sense from a color standpoint, but the implication of black has transcended from jerseys and merch. It is also better from a visual standpoint to prevent possible see-through issues for any complications with teams. It may be a preference, but per usual the students have a voice too and would like to be heard.
Next is the publicity of events, clubs, and student projects. As most are aware, we have some pretty interesting things in our school’s clubs, sports, and more, but not many students know about these activities. Giving people an insight on where to find these activities or apply them would help a lot and even promote games more from the school. Yes, we have social media and the morning announcements, but is that enough? No one comes to the games due to not being aware or even because they think it will be boring. Even though we are not a sport-heavy school, we still go out and compete just like the rest. More school spirit for the sports that don’t get noticed is important to boosting our closeness as a school and even showing how we as a school show our spirit.
Most of these things are not exactly issues; however, they are things that have been a complaint around the school. Allowing students to have an outlet to share their thoughts and ideas would be helpful not only in getting more input from other individuals, but the whole school shining a light on things that may not even be known in this letter. Many people have so many rich new ideas that they can share and help grow our school, but no way to share the ideas as they just end up being silenced.
I hope in the future we can implement a free creative space for students to be able to experience and express new ideas in not only an artistic manner but also an educational manner. We can learn from each other, so let’s take the time to see change and make some things that seem ordinary. We are more than just a school; we are a family that supports and works with each other. Let’s show the district and community just how creative we can be.