Being a Single-Parent Kid: Two Students on Living in a Single-Parent Household

Do kids with divorced/separated parents face financial complications? And if so, how are their complications different from someone that lives with both parents?

[Casper] In my case, yes there are. For the most part with one parent, you have to live off one income plus child support which isn’t always a lot. If you have both parents, then you have two sources of income which sounds nice. Although the amount of siblings would also have an effect [on] financial restraints.

[Destiny] Based off of my situation, I’d definitely say yes; however, a fair amount of people with divorced or separated parents don’t have many money problems. For example Donovan says that his money situation is “not bad or anything,” and that his mom’s “got pretty organized with managing financials.” Every situation is different, but it seems rather common that those with one parent rather than two have a tighter budget. Whereas with two parents you get to rely on two sources of income, with one parent you only get one source and some jobs just aren’t enough to cover what life throws at you.

Do parent specific holidays (mother’s/father’s day) really affect kids with divorced/separated parents?

[Casper] Mothers and father’s day definitely affect them but also holidays like Christmas can also be a headache. Every other Christmas in Texas I have to endure a long day of presents and food and talk about family this and family that but it doesn’t feel like that because I’m not with my mom but then when I’m at Christmas with my mom, I barely recognize my father’s absence.

[Destiny] When asked about awkward moments regarding having one parent, only one person we interviewed specifically named Father’s day as an area of discomfort. In fact, both Casper and Zinyka named daddy daughter dances as an awkward event and didn’t mention anything about mother’s or father’s day. Father’s day didn’t immediately come to my mind either. Instead, the awkward ‘Why is your last name different from your mother’s’ question was my first thought.

Are kids with divorced/separated parents happy with just one parent?

[Casper] From what I gathered, most of them were happy about it, the few others just felt indifferent.

[Destiny] I’m perfectly happy with one parent as I am used to it. However, it could depend on when in the child’s life the parents separated. Everyone we interviewed was younger than twelve when their parents separated, so I can’t use what we collected from them to compare to those whose parents separated when they were older. However, I would assume that someone used to having two parental figures around would feel the loss greater than someone who was so young they have a hard time remembering the separation.

Do divorced/separated parents dating cause problems?

[Casper] This actually varied because it depended on how long the parents were separated and how often the single parent would date. Those who are used to their parent being with other people seemed more accepting to it as opposed to those who were with just their parent for a long time with no one else to fill in that role or spot in the family.

[Destiny] Parents dating other people could cause problems, but it could also turn out really well. For example, a parent dating a person could result in the parent finding someone they are happy with. However, the parent could go through various people a year and cause the child some distress.

Does having divorced/separated parents affect a child socially?

[Casper] Rarely. Although it depends on how sheltered the child is and the situations. Typically there will already be a substantial friendship already made before family is mentioned. Although being invited to events that require you to be accompanied by the parent you aren’t with can be awkward or when said parent is mentioned in a conversation.

[Destiny] I don’t believe so. Typically someone doesn’t talk much about their home life when they are in school and with friends. You could be friends with a person for a long time and never fully know about their parental situation until you visit their home or bring up the topic.

Do kids of divorced/separated parents feel guilty about their parent’s separation?

[Casper] It truly depends on the parent and when and why the divorce happened. Because even though there may be some guilt, that would tend to come from more of financial security/insecurity.

[Destiny] More upset or emotionally distressed about it than anything. Perhaps upset with themselves that they take up quite a bit of their parent’s money when they need it the most, but otherwise I don’t believe a child would feel guilty about the separation if they understand that it was their parent’s independent decision.

How does the separation of parents affect a child’s view on marriage?

[Casper] From what I gathered, they tend to be more cautious with relationships and when they are in one, they last a long time. Either that or they want to show how they can be happy and single and possibly hope to never want to marry.

[Destiny] Similar to just about every question previously answered, there is no definite. Situations and reactions are different based on the person’s experiences and personality. The child could become cautious as a result of the parent’s failed relationship or they could refrain from pursuing any relationships at all. You can’t determine exactly what a person would do or how they would react in a certain situation.