Does Home Schooling Have Negative Effects?


Ashlynn Clayton

Usually, when parents home school, it is so they can have more involvement in their child’s education, or maybe they’re dissatisfied with their local school system. But does the choice to home school end up having a negative effect on children? “There can be equal benefits for homeschooling and attending public school, depending on the student. Public school can provide a higher, more intense education but if a student has learning difficulties, they might do better with learning at home rather than in public school.” says Mrs. Walborn, Tallwood High School French Teacher 

Although home schooled students have opportunities to interact with peers, it typically only takes place through similar learning groups and church. When children are home schooled, they don’t get to be around people with different views and beliefs or develop the ability to accept people from differing backgrounds (Hamlin & Cheng). Even though children might be less likely to pick up negative behaviors from other students in a public school setting, it is necessary for them to gain “social fluency” (the ability to properly navigate mainstream society). 

“After having students who have had to adjust to public school for the first time after being home schooled most of their life struggle socially as well as with adjusting to the classroom setting.” states Walborn. 

When a home schooled student moves on in life, they will find themselves in settings outside of what they’re used to. This adjustment is difficult since they have to learn new social norms and cues after so many years of only interacting with groups of similar people. “Public schooling can have more advantages for students but for children who struggle with learning disabilities, they might do better in a home school environment.” says Walborn. 

There is a huge lack of regulations for the United States homeschooling system. In other countries, parents have to qualify as able to teach their children, or homeschooling is ruled out completely. Other countries also have mandates to determine that home schooled students are learning and gaining fundamental values of society (A Warning on Homeschooling). In some states of the US, parents don’t even have to meet any teacher qualifications, teach state-required subjects, or test periodically (Home School Laws by State). Some don’t even require parents to register as teaching their children at home rather than sending them to school. 

Proper development is crucial during childhood and it is necessary that students of homeschooling are provided with resources that will allow them to do so (A Warning on Homeschooling). To prevent the mistreatment and limited social opportunities for home schooled children, it is important to have stricter requirements on how they are educated at home. If mandates were to facilitate students to achieve their best possible development, they should require all homeschooling parents to register. 

By registering, they will be recognized as a family that will have consistent house checks and assessments to ensure proper education and treatment. Mandates should also require homeschool families to involve their children in activities with children of different backgrounds and beliefs in order for them to gain tolerance for others.