In Remembrance of Nurse Ha Nguyen


Ha Nguyen, Tallwood’s nurse, passed away in March, 2023.

Maleah Hill

In loving memory of Nurse Ha Nguyen, we honor her tireless dedication to caring for others. She embodied the very essence of nursing, putting her students’ needs first and foremost in all she did.

Nurse Ha’s warm smile will forever be remembered by those whose lives she touched. Her passing has left a void in the heart of all who knew her, but her legacy will live on through the countless kindnesses she showed to all.

She was always ready with a smile and a gentle touch to ease the pain of a scraped knee or a broken heart. Her dedication to everything she did, and her efforts to keep her school healthy and safe, will never be forgotten. Ha’s passing is a profound loss to the entire school community, and she will always be remembered with deep gratitude and affection. 

Those who worked with Ha Nguyen remember her dedication to the school.

“She was very caring and loving to all the students and staff here at Tallwood. I’m very sad she’s gone,” said Amy Mackiewicz, Tallwood’s Assistance Nurse.

Other members of Tallwood’s faculty and staff also speak of her love for and dedication to her family.

“I remember the kind spirit she had. It exuded from her, the kindness she had for other people and wanting to do good. What really stood out the most to me with Nurse Ha was her love for her family, how she had a great love for them. They meant the world to her, so I know she was surrounded by a lot of love,” said Dr. Ryan O’Meara, Tallwood’s Principal.

In addition to being a dedicated employee, Ha Nguyen knew how to make work fun

“My favorite memory with her was probably seeing who could beat each other going to get coffee or hot chocolate in the mornings; that was always a lot of fun. I would order mine and she’d already had hers ordered, so the next day it would be ‘I’m gonna get it before her,'” said Mackiewicz.

Members of Tallwood’s faculty and staff remembered her dedication to the students.

“She would always say she wanted to do the best she possibly could for students here, that she loved her job, and that she loved working with students and helping them out. She came to work with that attitude every day … and I think that had an impact on a number of students across Tallwood,” said O’Meara.

Allow me to speak for a moment as a student and not a reporter. Nurse Ha was a beautiful and kind soul who was always happy to help with anything I needed. She always had her bright smile on whenever I walked into the clinic, and she always greeted me with a compliment. She always brightened my day. 

Rest in peace, Nurse Ha Nguyen. You will be dearly missed.