Dale’s Tale

Emily Ortiz

Today, I will tell you a story.
One of A heroine’s former glory.
A warrior of blue and gold,
Who’s story has not yet been told,
Though her plan was awry,
Her greatest enemy would be sorry.
The date was February 28th,
She almost lost her faith.
The heroine’s name was Dale,
And now, I will tell you a juicy tale.
The day was quite normal,
Absolutely nothing formal.
Dale was very bored,
As she stared out at the fjord.
However, something came without warning.
A darkness flew over the morning.
A ruler of evil was on the rise,
His name was Lurker Demise.
He used his dark arts,
And put fear in everyone’s hearts
The sky turned a terrible black
It was bad to see him back.
Dale had to jump into action.
She grabbed her sword without a distraction.
Even though she was a great hero,
Her power compared to Demise’s was ten to zero.
Demise defeated her easily,
And said “au revoir” breezily!
Getting up with pain,
Dale thought hard in her brain.
She had to go after him.
He left a trail in the sky that was dim.
So, she followed the trail,
And first, went into the land of hail.
The area was snow as far as the eye can see,
The temperature in the place was negative three.
Dale shivered in the cold,
In order to stay warm, her cape she had to hold.
She trekked through the freezing place
As snowflakes pelted her face.
She met no trouble, luckily,
Until she saw grass and a lily!
Dale had reached Grassy Land!
The darkness formed an ever thicker band…
Eventually, she began to feel crummy,
For there was emptiness in her tummy.
Looking for food
Put her in a good mood.
Finding blackberries
Gave her merries.
She continued on
Up until dawn.
Yawning, Dale needed a rest.
She simply wanted her best.
Dale put her head in the grass,
And fell asleep fast.
When she woke up, the sky was darker…
It was Demise’s marker.
Lastly, Dale went to Darkworld,
It was full of imps and lords,
In the distance was a castle,
It was the tower of Fastle.
This was where Demise dwelled,
Dark creatures, he would meld.
Dale entered and shouted, “Surrender fiend!”
Demise cackled and said, “My warning you shall heed.”
Their battle shook the Earth,
For the rage of Demise was giving birth.
The battle raged,
Even though Demise was a mage.
In the end, Dale won,
She was happy, a ton.
Suddenly, her body burned like nutmeg,
And Dale shouted… “OW! MY LEG!”