
Jabria Roscoe

I know who killed me.

She has eyes dark as coal, skin smooth as porcelain, and lips as red as berries.
She is a girl of sheer mystery. I don’t know where she comes from, but what I do know is: she is deadly

My mom always warned me that I shouldn’t trust her because of her bad reputation. She always believed she was crazy and jealous of me. But I always thought her rambunctious attitude was something unique.Its what drew me to her

I met her when I was 12 years old and careless. She made me believe I could trust her, I did her trust her, for a really long time. We would spend hours on the phone talking about nothing and anything. I thought I’d found the type of friend you only read about in books. The one who connects with you on all levels and never breaks a promise. But unfortunately books are fake and this is real life. And in real life you can be betrayed by those you love the most.

The day she took me away started off great. I had received good marks from my teachers and was planning on hanging out with some friends that night.

Before I was headed out, I got a call from a restricted number…no voice on the other line. I opened my front door, and suddenly everything was black. I couldn’t breath and someone was grabbing me. I felt myself being pulled away from my front door. With each step away my heart started pounding, pounding pounding.

I couldn’t think and before I knew it the person through me in a car and start driving. I began to scream even louder. With each noise I made they’d break suddenly, jolting me forward. My heat began to tighten as I realized this was real. Someone has taken me.

After what felt like hours, we stopped. The person got out of the drivers seat, grabbed me and threw in a patch of grass They took off the mask hey put on my face. For a second I was calm because it was her, it was my best friend who I trusted so much. But she aaa different her eyes were dark and blank. No one was there

She took out a blade and came at me with a vengeance. I put my hand out in front me. The blade sliced through my skin like a butter knife. I looked up and I could no longer recognize the person in front of me. The horror in my face pleased her. She took pride in my fear of her.

The blade began going through my body. Chest, abdomen, legs, and face. I felt myself dying. I could feel the warmth of my own blood around me. As I felt myself leaving my body, I took all the strength I had left and yanked her hair. Her stringy golden locks fell into my bloody fingers. She punched me in the face and started kicking me. I played dead so that’d maybe she’d stop.

Eventually, like me, she gave up. She left my dying body on the cold ground. I began to reflect on my short life. I knew it was the end. Before my last breaths I looked down into my hands and saw her hair, I smiled.

Now everyone will know who killed me.