Class of 2019 T-Shirts Cancelled


Ariana Hernandez

Class of 2019 t-shirt orders were cancelled due to lack of buyers. Students who did order a t-shirt were refunded early February for the inconvenience.

The cost of the t-shirts was fifteen dollars, like every year. THS school shirts have never failed to sell before and everyone is hoping it was a one time thing. Order forms were posted outside of room 213. This did not affect other class t-shirt sales.

“The shirt sales did not work out because not enough students purchased the shirt for us to order it,” said Cassidy O’Neal, class of 2019 president. She preferred not to comment on how many people actually ordered class shirts. Even though shirts were available for purchase for about two months, still not enough people ordered them.

“The shirts being cancelled was not the best news to hear, but we lived and we learned. We will work on how to approve the amount of students buying the shirts for the next shirt sale. I believe this will have no effect on future sales,” said O’Neal. The shirts being cancelled was a little bit of a loss, but there will be more opportunities for more sales.

According to O’Neal, there will be a new shirt next year, but there is a possibility it will be the same design. Next year’s t-shirt will be sold at the same time as this year.

“I’m pretty excited, I think it’ll be a great opportunity for something to hold old high school memories,” said sophomore Elena Day.

Hopefully next year’s sale will be more successful than this year.